Wednesday, September 26, 2007

a little better

thank goodness i'm feeling much better now. i was stuck with flu the whole of last weekend (sigh!) and was on medical leave on monday. yesterday, i was on half day because towards the afternoon, i felt worst and my nose was painful due the the blocked nose. when i went home yesterday, i rested a lot and i think that helped with the flu.

i'm back at work now and am trying to be very gungho about everything. i'm also beginning to surf online for baby items for budget purposes. baby items in malaysia is not cheap... a baby cot could cost up to RM 600 (equivalent to USD 170). of course all of these depends on the materials and brands.

my hubby just bought me maternity clothes (again!) that cost up to RM271 for 5 pieces. so now, i have about 10 pieces of maternity clothes. most of them pants and blouses. i can't stand the dresses. and the pants and blouses work well for officewear too. :)

Friday, September 21, 2007

nothing's right

nothing is going right today. my back is aching, my clothes to work looks lousy, my health is now contaminated with flu, my work cannot be completed in time not due to the fault of my own and because of that, i cannot go home and rest. and i keep worrying how all this is affecting the little one. and when i think that way, i become disappointed with myself and causing myself to feel depressed. i don’t know. i just feel lousy.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


i feel so demotivated at work these days... especially when i do not have nice maternity clothes to wear to work. i don't like trying to fit into my normal clothes that are now too snuggly for my size. they just don't fit nicely!

the other thing is that i feel bored easily and tired at work that i'm tired of trying to look energetic and okay because i'm not. after lunch, i'll feel so tired and not in a mood at all to be in the office but there's nothing i can do about it unless the arrangement for me to work from home is approved sooner... well, more like i'm waiting for a token to be mailed from US so that i could check my e-mails from the webmail. it'll probably arrive after i've delivered!

my nose bled this morning when i woke up from bed. so, i had to wait until it subsided before i can get dress and come to work. well, i guess this is one of the perks of being pregnant. i'm just trying to be positive. for me, as long as i have signs telling me that i'm pregnant and that the baby is alive in me, i seize them and rejoice. a person truly sees things differently when he/she has to overcome obstacles to get to where he/she is now.

Monday, September 17, 2007

good appetite

i went for my 3rd check-up today and the baby has grown from 2.9mm (2 weeks ago) to 18.8 mm today. doc said i must have good appetite which i admitted i did. and all symptoms have left me alone except for the occassional backache. but, it's fine as long as baby is healthy, strong and happy. now, the baby's due date is confirmed on 25th april 2008. :)

weight: 47.2 kg

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

feeling a little bit better

the backache comes and goes now. it's not permanent anymore. so, that is good. the nauseous is also leaving me so now i can go back eating normal food instead of porridge all the time. so far, i've gained 0.4kg now that i'm almost 2 months.

Friday, September 7, 2007


i was so tired last night after a long day managing a conference that i slept for 12 hours straight. this morning when i woke up, i have a terrible back pain and nose bleed (again!). can’t wait for friday to be over that i can just sleep!

Monday, September 3, 2007

nose bleed

while riding the elevator up to my office, i felt like my nose was runny. when i touched my nose, my finger turned red and then, i realised that i had a bleeding nose. immediately, i went to the washroom and waited until the nose stopped bleeding. when i came into the office, i immediately googled nose bleeding with pregnancy and found out that it’s pretty normal as a result of more blood circulation in the body while pregnant. phew!

Sunday, September 2, 2007


in my previous pregnancy, the last scan i did which i managed to see my baby's heartbeat was at 6w1d. after that, i had a painful miscarriage.

and now that i'm at 6w3d, i'm beginning to be calmer and positive about this pregnancy. however, as much as i would like to eat for the baby's sake, my taste bud has gone haywire. everything tastes so bland to me that it becomes truly difficult for me to stomach anything. i like food like porridge and soupy food now. fruits are still fine. but, used-to-be favourite food of mine like spicy olio is now tasteless. sigh....

but besides that, i thank God each day for a blessed baby. :)